Clare & Tom

Thursday, June 19, 2025 • Littleton, CO
97 Days To Go!

Clare & Tom

Thursday, June 19, 2025 • Littleton, CO
97 Days To Go!

Wedding Party


Blythe Petrella
Blythe Petrella - Maid of Honor
Blythe is Clare’s sister and the two share a deep-rooted love of country music, line dancing, and good food. Blythe is always there for an adventure and through the ups and downs of life. Blythe’s humor, decisiveness, and loyalty are unmatched. There is no one Clare is prouder to call her sister and MOH.
Kelley Glackin
Kelley Glackin - Bridesmaid
While Kelley is Tom’s sister, Clare can’t wait to soon call her a sister, too! The two share a love of tennis, shopping in downtown Buffalo and Sheridan, dogs, and laughing at Tom. Kelley is quick-witted, kind-hearted, calming, and so fun to be around.
Ched Breznai
Ched Breznai - Bridesmaid
Ched and Clare first met in college almost 15 years ago and immediately bonded over a love of Blink 182. A beautiful friendship grew from there strengthened by a penchant for puns, sushi buffets, and going to bars in the Valley. Now, Clare looks at Ched as a source of quiet strength and solid advice, hilarity, reliability, and a steady stream of photos of Asher (her golden).
Kasey Lincoln
Kasey Lincoln - Bridesmaid
Kasey and Clare met in college shortly after Clare and Ched became close, about 15 years ago. Kasey and Clare share a love of running, introspection, and dancing like no one is watching at concerts. Kasey has a heart of gold and rare authenticity that makes her friendship indispensable.
Melissa Ajamie
Melissa Ajamie - Bridesmaid
Melissa is the kindest soul on the planet. She was one of the first friends Clare made in undergrad with her warm and welcoming nature. Melissa is sweet, planner extraordinaire, a fantastic line dancer, dependable, and loving. Clare looks up to her for her steady and selfless nature.
Elise Caston
Elise Caston - Bridesmaid
Elise and Clare have been friends since they both worked at the Rush Inn together almost 20 years ago. At first, Clare and Elise were total opposites but the tides of time have made them meet in the middle. Clare and Elise have been roommates, coworkers, and besties - sometimes all at once. Elise is opinionated, strong, hilarious, and intelligent.
Rachel Markle
Rachel Markle - Bridesmaid
Rachel and Clare met their first year of residency and clicked immediately over sarcasm and over-sharing. Rachel has been a valued confidant of Clare over the years and her openness, wisdom, strength, and confidence has been steadying and inspiring to Clare over the past six years.


Nate Grush
Nate Grush - Best Man
Since Nate narced on Tom in Mrs. Paletta’s sixth grade class, their friendship started out on shaky ground. However, it has since bloomed in a decades long friendship through thick and thin. Nate’s loyalty, kindness, and sense of humor surround everything he does.
Chris Varghese
Chris Varghese - Best Man
Chris and Tom quickly bonded over the New York Giants in Pharmacy Fellowship. What started as a pipe dream to live togetheir in Manhattan post-Fellowship turned into reality and a lifelong brotherhood. Chris’s wisdom makes him someone that is vital to spend time around, but also to learn about yourself along the way.
Paul Dyczkowski
Paul Dyczkowski - Groomsman
Paul and Tom bonded over hockey and all things good and beer. Paul has quickly baptized Tom as a Cleveland Monsters hockey fan, showing him the ropes in really cheering for your team. Paul’s kindness has cemented himself as an incredible human being in Tom’s life.
Henry Glackin
Henry Glackin - Groomsman
Henry came into Tom’s life through his sister, but has solidified as one of Tom’s favorite people through comedic charm and football IQ. Henry will always have your back no matter what.
Henry Caster
Henry Caster - Groomsman
Tom met Henry on the first day of pharmacy school and they quickly became fast friends. Henry’s free spirit and Tom’s propelled each other to new heights, as well as, a deep understanding for each other that few friendships possess.
Rand Good
Rand Good - Groomsman
Since singing “Wonderwall” at the top of their lungs in Tom’s high school car, Rand and Tom have always had a brotherly love for each other that has stayed the test of time. Lovers of music, Rand and Tom have enjoyed many incredible shows together.
Jonathan Naylor
Jonathan Naylor - Groomsman
Jon and Tom met at Rutgers in their post-doc Fellowship, as sight unseen roommates. They quickly realized that they may be same person, and share many loves and passions together like music, skiing, football, and good food. They always find a way to have deep discussions, no matter where they are.